Ambassador of Hope Training Goes Digital

One of the consequences of the coronavirus lockdown for us as a charity was the inability to deliver our Ambassador of Hope training programme to organisations face-to-face, across the country.



The programme, which equips participants with the skills needed to assist someone who is having a mental health crisis or requires signposting to a relevant service near them — is an invaluable tool. We have delivered this to many large and small organisations across the UK, including Everton FC, Regenda Group, the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and many more.

Considering the pressure, anxiety and increased mental health issues being felt across the country by many people, including key workers and those working from home — the information and skills provided by the training is more important than ever before.

As incidences of mental ill health rise, so must the number of people who are equipped to step up and help those in need.

So, we have been working hard behind the scenes, and we are delighted to say the training programme has now been translated into an online programme, which has already been successfully delivered to some fantastic and supportive client companies.

We realised that the content and format of the training was perfectly placed to move onto a digital platform. We can now reach more people than we ever could before, providing essential workplace training to them while staff adapt to a new way of working.

Leo Mcintosh, a managing consultant at dg&a at Incebeta, one of the first participants to take part in the new online training programme, said:

“I found the Ambassador of Hope training incredibly helpful, encouraging and important. Jake and Abi — [the Ambassador of Hope coordinator] — were very approachable and easy to discuss these topics with, and were able to deliver the training effectively online.”

“The Ambassador of Hope training is vital right now because the disruption and uncertainty that Covid-19 is causing highlights how essential it is to feel confident talking to others about their mental health.”

“We all need to be equipped to manage mental health crises and signpost to support areas such as the Hub of Hope during this period. Being Ambassadors of Hope will enable us to maintain and improve our mental health.”

If you would like to find out more information about the training programme for yourself and your team, please get in touch.

Right now, we need your help. We are a small charity, primarily funded by the generosity and support of the general public and organisations. Please visit our JustGiving page to understand how you can get involved in raising money for us, so we can continue to help battle the stigma surrounding mental health and help those in need. 

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